People to People (P2P) Global Membership Form:

Welcome to the People to People (P2P) Membership Form! Our mission is to construct a vital bridge connecting the diaspora with Ethiopian institutions, focusing on the crucial realms of Human Resource Development, Healthcare, and Education.

Become a member and actively contribute to advocacy, quality assurance in medical education, care for vulnerable girls, humanitarian assistance, networking between Ethiopian and Western institutions, and addressing pressing regional needs in the Horn of Africa.

People to People Membership Support:

Connect and collaborate effortlessly with People to People. Fill out the form to learn more and get in touch with us.

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Building Bridges for Human Development in Ethiopia

By becoming a member, you’re taking a meaningful step towards fostering collaboration that transcends borders, contributing to the growth and well-being of communities in Ethiopia. Join hands with us as we work together to build a future where knowledge, skills, and resources flow seamlessly, creating lasting positive impacts. Your involvement matters β€” be a part of the People to People movement, where collective efforts pave the way for transformative change.

2023 P2P Awards Recognize Outstanding Achievements
P2P has designed the AGBCC Rebuilding Project.
Medical equipment supports for Dessie comprehensive specialized hospital from people-to-people USA in collaboration with health care alliance for Ethiopia.
P2P) organized the brightest handover ceremony of the Wurgessa primary school rebuilding project on December 31, 2022
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